Some days we felt like this would never get better or be over. Most of the time we plugged along and tried to make the best as each day but to tell you we are relieved and thankful and shouting from the roof top just doesn't seem to be enough. Natalie completed her final big phase of this nightmare and now we move on to two years of maintenance. We know this is far from over but the relief we feel knowing that the toughest part is behind us is overwhelming. Going to the doctor once a month, wow that will be so easy. Some weeks we were there five times so once a month is going to be awesome. We are so looking forward to Natalie getting back to hanging out with her friends, getting back to school, all the things she hasn't been able to do. I would be lying if I didn't say I have thoroughly enjoyed the time we have had with her, our relationship has grown and we cherish her more then ever before. Please continue to pray for Natalie and our family. Although it will be easier, it isn't over and we covet your prayers.
Always relying on HIM!
Love ~ The Erwins